Monday, December 20, 2010

Sing Me A Love Song

My niece got married last Saturday. And since I couldn’t help much with the preparation, I’ve dedicated myself to be an unofficial door-gifter. The wedding went well – the food is delicious, the bridal dais is totally rocking, the event flow is smooth (thanks to the last-minute mc, my sister Mieyra did a fantastic job, despite the pressure of re-writing everything instead of having her text printed out). She had her akad nikah on Saturday and her reception the next day at Dewan MPAJ. What I really like about her wedding is totally the pelamin. It’s really breathtakingly beautiful!

And Aishah is so gorgeous!

The theme color is lilac and I’m wearing nothing new. Not exactly lilac, but it’s still purple (it's a deep lilac, I must say :D) with black lace on the sleeves and hemline. It’s an expensive gift from my friend Azurah for being her bridesmaid. My second time wearing this and loving it to the max!

With my dad and cousins.

And some camho moment with my sisters before the akad nikah, kekekek!

I wish them all the love and happiness in the world. May Allah bless them for the rest of their life, amin~

p/s: Gah, I have to say this again. I need a camera. My dad won't take my picture with his dslr as many as i want him to, I have to begged for it T__T


  1. cantik gile pelamin itu!!!!!!!

    and baju purple tu aku sangat suka okeh..sampai sekarang, sampai bile-bile...:)

  2. wohaaa...
    suka gi tgk org kawen..
    konsepnye pon lawa

  3. @ju-are: pelamin mahal, sama ngan elyana :D suka kan baju aku tu~ tengokla berapa lama kita pusing ampang park tu~

    @shazika: yup, tgk orang kawen memang best, tapi kalau i yang kahwin, mesti rasa lagi best, hehe.

  4. aku da kawen..ko bile lagi??Eheh~:p
