Monday, January 3, 2011

Happy New Year

Ah, I’ve missed the 010111! I haven’t been able to update this blog on New Year since it has been another busy weekend - away from internet. As December is the month of wedding, I got two weddings invitation but I can only attend one T__T. I didn’t go out for the countdown celebration. Just content being at home watching New Year movie but I didn’t miss the fireworks. I can watch it from my balcony. It was so pretty~

On Saturday, me and zurazura went to IKEA to buy some stuff for home. Going to IKEA has always make me go jiggy wiggy even if I’m not buying anything. Normally, I will spend more time in the kitchen section because I always dream to have a big squeaky-clean with build-in-cabinets kitchen (though it does not imply that I’m a good cook or anything). Bedroom section give me a thought that I need to do some sort of spring cleaning. There’s a lot of thing that doesn't fit in my wardrobe anymore and just had to go. I believed that I only wear half of my clothes most of the time. There are even items that have never been worn in the past 4 years! Gosh, wardrobe cleaning gets on to the top of my to-do list for this weekend~

We had lunch at Manhattan Fist Market. I ordered the flaming shrimp with rice without fear for my allergic to seafood. Haha. Served me right! Later when I got back home, my whole body was itching! And I was sneezing throughout the night. I swore that it was the longest night I’ve ever had!

Anyway, I hope that 2011 will be another great year for everyone. I hope I'll accomplish more and lead to a successful life. So everyone, take care of yourself and please be happy~


  1. HEPPI NIU YAH!!!!!=D
    i like the last picture.

  2. Oh wow! I like your shawl!
    The combo colors rock! ;)
    Happy new year to you!

  3. yey! finally!!!!
    yeah had a blast wif you..aku suke bathroom tiles ittew...:P

    and lepas ni no more kedai ikan lah eh??!


    happy new year..:)

  4. @mieyra: you like the one without my head kan?

    @adriani: thank you yanny for dropping by. would love to meet you someday :D

  5. @ju are: eh, cam mane boleh terlepas tgk comment ko ni? bukan salah kedai ikan, maybe i should try eat fish instead of shrimp~
